Conisbrough weather station Temperature: 7.8°C   (Feels Like:5.8°C)   Humidity: 64%    Barometer: 1002.8hPa  (Rising slowly)
Today's Rain: 1.0mm     Av Wind Speed: 1mph   Bearing: 19°NNE

Current observations recorded at 13:45 on 25 April 2024

 Conisbrough, South Yorkshire : Latitude N 53° 29' 06"  Longitude E 01° 12' 42"  Elevation 67 m

Dawn 04:53 Dusk 20:55
Sunrise 05:32 Sunset 20:15
Length of daylight 16:01 Daylength 14:42
Moonrise 22:38 Moonset 05:43
Moon Age 17 day(s) Moon Phase Waning Gibbous

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Established as an amateur weather recording station on 14th December 2011, for the past 4,516 days the local weather conditions in Conisbrough, South Yorkshire, have been recorded using a Davis Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Station. The latest observations from our weather station, along with historical records, are uploaded to the Conisbrough Weather Station website every 5 minutes using Cumulus weather station software, and for the purpose of maintaining consistent records the meteorological day used at this station runs from midnight to midnight.

Davis Weather Station Forecast: Mostly cloudy and cooler. Precipitation possible within 12 hours, possibly heavy at times. Windy.

Cumulus Weather Software Forecast: Fairly fine, showers likely

You can view and compare our recorded weather data either by month, year or season. Take a look at the data we have collected over the past 4,516 days and see how the weather in Conisbrough has fared during that time.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is an amateur weather recording station collecting local meteorological information and data from Conisbrough, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire, which may or may not correspond to any national or regional forecasts. Information published on this site should be used for entertainment purposes only and not be relied upon to represent an accurate forecast for any critical situation.

The table below records the most recent observations from our weather station. Select any of the menu links located near the top and bottom of these pages for all our previous data.

Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 7.8 °C Dew Point 1.4 °C
Windchill 7.8 °C Humidity 64 %
Heat Index 7.8 °C Apparent Temperature 5.8 °C
Solar Radiation 281 W/m2 Evapotranspiration Today 0.69 mm
Precipitation Today 1.0 mm Precipitation Rate 0.0 mm/hr
Precipitation This Month 58.0 mm Precipitation This Year 245.4 mm
Precipitation Last Hour 0.0 mm Last Recorded Precipitation 2024-04-25 12:26
Wind Speed (gust) 4 mph Wind Speed (avg) 1 mph
Wind Bearing 19° NNE Beaufort Scale F1 - Light air
Barometer  1002.8 hPa Rising slowly 0.1 hPa/hr


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Page updated 25/04/2024 13:45:10
powered by Cumulus v3.25.2 (3245)